Sr Product Designer

Do - Web

Role: Lead Designer

Timeline: 2014-2016

Overview: Do was a platform aimed at helping people run productive meetings and foster a work environment that people love. The service was eventually acquired by Amazon and subsequently closed. During my tenure as the lead designer, I oversaw all aspects of the design process for Do's web, iOS, and watch applications.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. User-Centric Design: Ensured that the design process was driven by a deep understanding of user needs, behaviors, and pain points.

  2. Multi-Platform Design: Led the design efforts for Do's web platform, iOS app, and watch app, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly experience across all devices.

  3. Collaboration: Worked closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers and engineers, to align design with business goals and technical feasibility.

  4. User Interface (UI) Design: Created visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces that facilitated efficient task management and improved meeting productivity.

  5. User Experience (UX) Design: Crafted user journeys, wireframes, and prototypes to optimize the overall user experience and drive user engagement.

  6. Iterative Design: Embraced an iterative design approach, gathering user feedback and data to refine and enhance the product continuously.

  7. Product Vision: Contributed to shaping the product's long-term vision, ensuring that design decisions aligned with the company's mission.

  8. Usability Testing: Conducted usability testing and gathered insights to make informed design decisions and drive improvements.

Outcome: While the Do service was eventually acquired by Amazon and closed, my role as the lead designer during this period involved contributing to the design and development of a product that aimed to improve work experiences, particularly in the context of meetings and productivity. The experience gained during this project contributed to my expertise in user-centric design and multi-platform application design.


Project: Addressing Unproductive Meetings with Do

The Problem: Unproductive meetings are a common challenge in many workplaces. Often, participants don't remember the agenda or goals of the meeting, and the lack of organization and follow-up can lead to wasted time and inefficiency. Inefficient meetings can negatively impact productivity and hinder collaboration within teams.

The Opportunity: Do recognized the opportunity to address this problem by providing a comprehensive solution for meeting management. The platform aimed to create a private cloud for each meeting, where all meeting-related content and information could be stored and accessed easily. This included files, real-time collaborative notes, private notes, follow-ups, outcomes, and more, all in one secure and reliable location.

Key Features and Benefits of Do's Meeting Management Solution:

  1. Agenda Setting: Users could set agendas for meetings, ensuring that participants knew the purpose and topics to be discussed.

  2. Content Organization: All meeting-related content, from files to notes, could be organized within the platform, reducing clutter and streamlining access.

  3. Continuity: Users could relate meetings to one another, promoting continuity in work and discussions over time.

  4. Search Functionality: The platform offered a robust search feature, enabling users to find past meetings and related content quickly.

  5. Automatic Notes Sharing: Notes from meetings could be automatically sent out when meetings ended, saving time on reporting and documentation.

  6. Real-time Collaboration: Do allowed real-time collaboration during meetings, encouraging active participation and idea sharing among participants.

Overall, Do recognized that improving the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings was a significant opportunity to enhance workplace productivity and collaboration. By offering a secure and organized platform for meeting management, they aimed to empower teams to have more productive and enjoyable work experiences.