Sr Product Designer

Do - iOS App

Role: Lead Designer

Timeline: 2014-2016

Overview: Do was a platform aimed at helping people run productive meetings and foster a work environment that people love. The service was eventually acquired by Amazon and subsequently closed. During my tenure as the lead designer, I oversaw all aspects of the design process for Do's web, iOS, and watch applications.

Task: Enhancing Meeting Productivity with Do's Features

Do aimed to enhance meeting productivity and collaboration by providing a range of features designed to streamline the meeting process and improve communication among participants. These features included:

  1. Quick Messaging: Users could quickly send messages to meeting participants via email. This feature allowed for various communication needs, such as confirming a meeting, requesting an agenda, or sending custom messages. Efficient communication helped ensure that everyone was on the same page before, during, and after the meeting.

  2. Followup Meeting Scheduling: Scheduling follow-up meetings was made easy with Do. The platform automatically created a follow-up meeting with all existing context, making it convenient for participants to continue discussions or address action items from previous meetings.

  3. Agenda Creation and Sharing: Users could create and share meeting agendas with all participants. Having a well-defined agenda in advance helped participants prepare for the meeting and ensured that discussions stayed on track.

  4. Meeting Notes: Do allowed users to write or dictate meeting notes during the meeting. This feature facilitated the documentation of important points, decisions, and action items discussed during the meeting.

  5. Outcomes and Followups: Items discussed during the meeting could be marked as either outcomes or follow-ups. This categorization helped participants track what needed to be done after the meeting and ensured that action items were addressed promptly.

  6. Automatic Meeting Summaries: Do provided the option to automatically send meeting summaries via email. This feature saved time on manual reporting and ensured that all participants received a clear recap of the meeting's outcomes and action items.

  7. Private Notes: Users could take private notes alongside shared notes. This feature allowed individuals to jot down personal thoughts or reminders related to the meeting, keeping all meeting-related information in one organized place.

Do's comprehensive set of features aimed to make meetings more productive, organized, and collaborative. By addressing communication challenges and providing tools for efficient agenda setting, note-taking, and follow-up, Do contributed to creating a more productive and enjoyable meeting experience for teams and organizations.


Final Design


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