Sr Product Designer

Rivit TV - Apple TV

Role Overview:

As a Senior Product Designer at Rivit TV, my role has been pivotal in the development of the company's first Apple TV app. This endeavor required close collaboration with cross-functional teams, including the Design team, Product Managers, and Engineering teams, to ensure the successful creation and launch of the app.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Design Leadership: Leading the design efforts for critical app components, including Home, Settings, and Player, to provide a seamless and user-centric experience for Apple TV users.


My involvement in this role spans from 2018 to the present, signifying ongoing contributions and dedication to the development and improvement of Rivit TV's Apple TV app.

Apple TV Home Page Design:

The Apple TV app for Rivit TV operates as a view-only platform, enabling users to explore Rivit TV Originals, watch free pilots, or access episodes they have already purchased from the Rivit TV website. The design of the home page is outlined as follows:

  1. Full-Screen Show Page: The home page design features full-screen show pages that users can scroll down to access additional shows. Each show is presented in a visually appealing manner.

  2. Show Interaction: Users have the option to select a show for viewing or navigate to the show page to explore more details about the show.

  3. Top Navigation: The top navigation bar includes key options:

    • Home Page: Returns users to the main home page.

    • My Shows: For signed-in users, this section allows them to add their favorite shows for easy access.

    • Settings: Provides access to app settings and customization options.

This design approach aims to create an immersive and user-friendly experience, making it convenient for users to discover and engage with Rivit TV content on their Apple TV.

Wireframes and Design Elements:

For the Apple TV Home Page design, several key elements and concepts are proposed:

  1. Background Image: The background image is episode-based, showcasing the episode as the background, creating an immersive visual experience for users.

  2. Scrollbar: A scrollbar is implemented, appearing when users scroll through the content on the home page. This provides visual feedback and navigation assistance.

  3. Show Logo: Show logos are featured as part of the design, allowing users to quickly identify and select the show they want to engage with.

Additionally, the list order logic is outlined as follows:

  • First, the home page will display the last project the user most recently watched an episode of, focusing on portions of the episode that remain unwatched (less than 95%) and/or available episodes that have not been watched.

  • Second, the design will show the next most recently engaged show, following the same rules.

  • This pattern repeats, ensuring that the user is presented with relevant and personalized content based on their viewing history and preferences.

These wireframes and design elements collectively contribute to a user-friendly and visually engaging Apple TV Home Page for Rivit TV.


• Swipe up shows all the projects 


"Continue Watching" Logic and Basic Gestures:

The "Continue Watching" feature is implemented with specific rules and gestures to enhance the user experience. Here's an overview of the logic and basic gestures:

Logic for "Continue Watching":

  • This feature will only appear if the user has access to watch an episode in the app.

  • It follows the rules and flow of the "Continue Watching" web feature:

    • If the user is in the middle of an episode, the message will display as "Continue Watching..." along with the title of the episode last watched, provided that it is less than 95% completed.

    • If the user is in the middle of a season, the message will be "Watch Now..." and will prompt the user to watch the next episode.

Basic Gestures:

  • Tapping on "Continue Watching," "Watch Now," or an episode card will open the episode playback in the video player, allowing the user to continue watching.

  • Tapping on "Explore the show" will navigate the user to the project page, providing more details about the show.

  • Scrolling down to another project allows users to explore additional shows and content available on the platform.

These gestures and logic elements contribute to a user-friendly and intuitive experience, ensuring that users can seamlessly continue watching their preferred content and explore other shows on the platform.

Final Design