Sr Product Designer
Apple iPhone 7.png

Redesigning the ScoreBig Purchase Flow - Web

Redesign ScoreBig purchase experience.

Role: Lead designer - collaborated closely with UX designers and PMs to revamp ScoreBig's checkout experience.

Timeline: 2016  

Here are some considerations for use cases and messaging content for ScoreBig:

Use Cases:

  1. First-time purchaser: Ensure a clear and user-friendly onboarding process, provide information on how the platform works, and emphasize ease of use and safety for their first purchase.

  2. Repeat purchaser: Highlight the benefits of returning to ScoreBig, such as access to exclusive offers, loyalty rewards, and a seamless purchasing experience.

  3. Logged-in user (also Facebook user): Emphasize the convenience of logging in with Facebook, quick access to saved information, and personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

  4. Non-logged-in user: Encourage users to create an account for a more streamlined experience, but also offer a guest checkout option for those who prefer not to register.

  5. E-ticket delivery: Explain the process of receiving e-tickets, including the email address where they will be sent and any steps needed to access them.

  6. Physical ticket delivery: Assure users that physical tickets will be delivered via FedEx at no additional charge and provide an estimated delivery timeframe.

  7. MAO offer: Clarify that making an offer comes with the guarantee of being seated in one of the specified sections and that there is no risk if the offer is rejected.

  8. FP ticket: Highlight the convenience of fixed-price tickets and the assurance of guaranteed seating together.

Messaging Content - Product and Marketing:

  1. Information needed for MAO purchase: Users need to know that making an offer guarantees them a seat in a specific section, that there is no risk if the offer is rejected, and that their credit card will only be charged upon offer acceptance.

  2. Information needed for FP purchase: Emphasize that fixed-price tickets offer guaranteed seating together, and provide details about ticket delivery options, such as e-ticket or FedEx delivery.

  3. General messaging: Clearly communicate the ease of use, safety, and convenience of ScoreBig, and highlight any unique selling points, such as exclusive offers and loyalty rewards, to incentivize users to make a purchase.

  4. User-friendly language: Use clear and concise language in messaging to ensure users understand the process and benefits without confusion.

  5. Trust and transparency: Reiterate ScoreBig's commitment to delivering the best available tickets and its reliable ticket delivery options to build trust with users.

  6. Call-to-action: Include a strong call-to-action that encourages users to proceed with their purchase, whether it's making an offer or selecting fixed-price tickets.

  7. Personalization: If the user is logged in, consider tailoring messaging to their preferences and purchase history for a more personalized experience.

  8. FAQ and support: Provide access to FAQs and customer support for users who may have additional questions or need assistance during the purchasing process.

Old Design

New Design

checkout - flow .png


To address the challenge of providing users with the information they need before proceeding with Make An Offer (MAO), it was essential to communicate crucial details about the MAO process. Some of the key points users need to know before making an MAO include:

  1. Payment Assurance: Users should understand that they will not be charged until their offer is accepted. This helps alleviate concerns about immediate charges.

  2. Guaranteed Seating: Make it clear that an MAO comes with a guarantee of being seated in one of the specified sections, ensuring users know what they can expect.

  3. No Risk of Rejection: Emphasize that there is no risk involved in making an offer; if the offer is rejected, their credit card will not be charged.

To effectively convey this information and ensure users read and comprehend it before proceeding, the solution was to introduce an expanded infographic page at the beginning of the checkout process. This page serves several purposes:

  • Grab Attention: It immediately captures users' attention with important information about MAO.

  • Collapse and Expand: Users have the option to collapse or expand the info section, allowing them to engage with it at their own pace.

  • Visual Clarity: The infographic format makes the information more visually appealing and easier to understand.

This approach ensures that users are well-informed about the MAO process and can proceed with confidence, knowing that their payment will only be processed upon offer acceptance and that they are guaranteed a seat in the specified sections.

To improve the checkout experience for users checking out as guests, the following changes were implemented to streamline the process and make it visually more user-friendly:

  1. Tab-Based Navigation: Instead of stacking all three steps on top of each other, a tab-based navigation approach was adopted. Users can now focus on one page at a time, reducing visual complexity.

  2. Large Form Fields: Form fields were made larger to improve usability and readability. This change helps users input their information more comfortably.

  3. Reduced Visual Noise: To create a cleaner and less visually cluttered interface, the contrast on form field keystrokes was reduced, reducing visual noise and distractions.

  4. Simplified Layout: The layout was simplified by reducing the number of columns, creating a cleaner overall design. This change enhances the user's ability to navigate and complete the checkout process smoothly.

  5. Next Step Buttons: To guide users through the checkout process, visual emphasis was placed on the "next step" buttons. These buttons are essential for users to progress through the steps efficiently.

By implementing these design changes, the checkout process becomes more user-centric and visually appealing. Users can now focus on one step at a time, which enhances their understanding and reduces any perceived complexity in the checkout process.

Guest Checkout

Existing User - Checkout