Sr Product Designer
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Sportsy iOS App

Designing Sportsy: Elevating Athletic Skills through Drills and Challenges

As the lead designer for Sportsy in 2016, my role was to collaborate closely with product managers (PMs) to create a user experience that would resonate with athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Sportsy was designed to challenge users, offering a platform where drills and challenges were utilized by top athletes to maintain peak physical condition and hone their skills. The primary focus was on designing the Sportsy Home and Challenge page experience.

Key Objectives and Features:

  1. Skill Mastery: The core objective of Sportsy was to help users master essential athletic skills required to excel in their respective sports. This involved offering a range of drills and challenges that catered to various sports disciplines.

  2. User Engagement: To keep users motivated and engaged, the app needed to provide a dynamic and interactive experience. Users should be encouraged to push their limits and consistently work on improving their skills.

  3. Homepage Design: The design of the Sportsy Home page was pivotal in attracting users and setting the tone for their journey. It needed to be visually appealing, organized, and intuitive.

  4. Challenge Page: The Challenge page was a central component where users could access drills and challenges. It needed to be well-structured, easy to navigate, and offer clear instructions on how to participate.

  5. Progress Tracking: Users should have the ability to track their progress and improvements over time. This required implementing features for recording and visualizing performance data.

  6. Motivational Elements: Incorporating motivational elements, such as leaderboards, achievements, and rewards, was crucial to keep users engaged and striving for excellence.

The Result:

The Sportsy platform successfully provided athletes and fitness enthusiasts with a comprehensive toolset for skill development and performance enhancement. The design of the Home page created an inviting and organized entry point for users, showcasing the diverse range of sports disciplines and challenges available.

The Challenge page was designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that athletes could easily discover, select, and engage with drills and challenges relevant to their goals. Clear instructions and progress tracking features allowed users to monitor their development systematically.

Motivational elements, including leaderboards and achievements, fostered a sense of competition and achievement among users. These elements played a significant role in encouraging users to push their limits and work towards skill mastery.

In summary, Sportsy's design aimed to elevate athletic skills by offering a user-friendly platform that motivated individuals to challenge themselves and reach new heights in their sports and fitness pursuits.

Role: Lead designer - worked closely with PMs to Design Sportsy Home and challenge page experience

Timeline: 2016  

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